by Julia
(merseyside UK)
Hi can any one help I would like to know if progesterone will help me. I scored 91 on the questionare wow, I had an hystorectomy in 2001. I am 47yrs old nearly 48 I am now about 8 mnth into my menapause and having a terrible nightmare of a time. I am suffering all the symtoms you can get but the migraines just wont go and I am at the end of my tether or my life. Thats how it feels.
My doctor has put me on 1mg of ellest solo (estradiol hemihydrate) he says I dont need progesterone coz I have had an histeroctomy.
They have helped for six months now the headaches sickness, faint, dizzy confusion, no sleep, depression ect ect, all go on day after day after day , I cant go on and permantly feel so unwell.
If it helps any one whom can advise me, i had bloods done yester day and my progesterone level is low at 1.7nmol/l, my fsh is 21.7 U/L, my Lh is 13.6 U/L, my estradiol level is 467.23 pmol/L. My testosterone level is 1.5 nmol/L.
I weigh 7stn my height is 4ft11 inch tall.
Can any one help and tell me will the cream help me how much to take and how often.
Please help I am desperate and feel so lost. If you can advise please do so or e mail me with instruction at
Kind regards
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