by Sharon
(Yorkshire, England)
Having been ill since 2000, having a full hysterectomy and fibriods in 2002 then getting progessively worse ever since going round a series of Doctors and Hosiptal Consultants in the UK. Been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Depression, Severe Migraine, mini Stroke, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Fatigue, Painful Joints and Muscules.
I am at my wits end. I used to be a fully functioning individual, now I can barely get through a day. Discovering these websites on Bio Identical Progesterone could be the turning point in my life as it certainly cannot carry on the way it has been. The only problem I may have is there is no natural progesterone capsules/tablets available on prescription in the UK and I am unsure what to buy from a health store. Can you please advise.
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