
Is it enough?

by Nell
(USA )

Hello, I'm 42 and am I Perimennapause with irregular periods coming more frequently. While trying to lose my last 10 pounds, I went on a 1200 calorie diet for 4 months and lost my period all 4. I thought I was going into menopause but questioned if it was my diet. I took dong quai and started period 2 days later and it's been non stop. Moderate flow not too heavy. I believe I have been progesterone defeint for YEARS. I sport all of the symptoms. In the last year my irritability has been ridiculously challenging. After much review and being a plant based eater for 13 years, I decided to take bio available emerita progesterone creme twice a day 40mg total. As Dr.john lee suggests . I'm on day 5 and still bleeding. Is this enough to start? It has made me quite drowsy. I'm also taking vitex and dim for 5 days as well. Any advice would be great. Note, I did have a biopsy, Trans vaginal and abdominal ultrasound done 1.5 years ago due to my concerns of irregular bleeding and was told all tests were great and probably in Perimennapause. I'm not comfortable at all with synthetic hormones

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May 03, 2022
Is it enough?
by: Joy

Hi Nell

No it's not enough.  If you read this website carefully you will see that between 100-200mg per day is needed, more if symptoms are severe. The amount that you are using will merely aggravate your estrogen receptors which is not what you want. While Dr Lee is fairly knowledgeable when it comes to progesterone, he is way off when it comes to the amount to be used.  Please read the How to Use Progesterone Cream page.  Please also make sure that the cream that you are using equates to that of Natpro Progesterone Cream which is an organic 3% cream.  It can take 2-6 months using the correct amount and cream before one notices it's benefits.

You are in Peri-Menopause which starts at around 35 when progesterone levels drop sharply while estrogen levels remain the same.  Bleeding now becomes a major issue and concern.  Many doctors suggest hysterectomies at this stage which is not necessary at all, unless there is something sinister going on.  The following heavy bleeding/clotting/spotting has helped countless women, perhaps you might like to try it:

400-500mg Natpro Progesterone Cream per day
2000mg N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) per day
2000mg Taurine per day
5000iu's Vitamin D3 per day
1000mg Bioflavanoids or vitamin C per day

I do not blame you for feeling uncomfortable with HRT as they all have a potential to cause harm plus add to Estrogen Dominance. Vitex is slightly estrogenic so I would avoid taking that.

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is optimal as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. It is also connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies.

May 03, 2022
Thank you
by: Anonymous

This response was very informative and has definitely put my mind at ease. I thank you kindly. I eat a half cup of whole soybeans daily for the protective qualities per dr.kristi funk. What is your thoughts? I know they have estrogenic qualities but are protective against the bad estrogen
Is taking Dim ok? With Natpro, will I continue to use 100-200 daily after symptoms settle? A few days ago I increased the progest creme to 80mg a day 40 in morning and 40 at night. Bleeding has stopped but it's alot to apply due to the low dosage. At the dosage you recommend, I fear the drowsy effect. Will this subside eventually? I'm in medical field and work with alot of patients and definitely need to be alert. Thank you for your help.

May 04, 2022
Thank you
by: Joy

Soy should be avoided at all costs. Some people benefit from DIM, others don't. I find calcium d glucarate far better. You will have to experiment with the amount of Natpro used. You need to see what suits you best. You may even need to use more; it all depends on how severe symptoms are. Once you feel stable, the amount used can be reduced to no less than 100mg per day. It should be used no less than twice a day. Half the amount in the morning and the other half at night. Progesterone therapy is not an overnight fix, it can take anything from 2-6 months before positive results are felt. Longer if symptoms are severe.

May 11, 2022
by: Anonymous

I'm in peri-menopause but I see that you commented on another's page and said to take no breaks. Shouldn't I take a 5-7 day break to keep receptor sites open amd to have a bleed to shed lining? I'm a bit confused.

May 12, 2022
Is it enough?
by: Joy

Hi Nell

We suggest using progesterone every day when in Peri-Menopause because the monthly cycle will eventually become erratic making it difficult to use the cream by following your cycle, your luteal phase.

If however, one is ttc and has a regular cycle, then obviously progesterone needs to be used by following a regular healthy cycle.

Jun 30, 2023
My update
by: Nell

It's been some time now and all bleeding has stopped. Hot flashes and night sweats are still here even woth high doses of progesterone creme. It's been more than 6 months now.
I haven't had a period in 4 months with bloating and weight gain. I eat very healthy.
Vaginal dryness, uncomfortable intercourse even with lubrication. This has just disheartening. I'm guessing at this point and my symptoms now that my estrogen is low. I would appreciate your opinion.

Jul 01, 2023
My update
by: Joy

Hi Nell

I see you posted this 5 times, not sure what happened there.

I am pleased that your bleeding has stopped. So this means that your heavy bleeding stopped. It's clear that you are still suffering from Estrogen Dominance and the amount of cream used for the heavy bleeding protocol should have stopped your hot flushes. What progesterone cream are you using and how much per day, every day? Once the bleeding stopped, how much did you reduce the cream by? I suggest that you have your hormones tested to find out the ratio as using that amount of progesterone should have helped you. Something is causing the estrogen dominance to continue.

As mentioned on the website, we do not believe that any woman needs to take extra estrogen. This will merely add to your adverse symptoms. However, the choice is yours, but not what I recommend.

Jul 01, 2023
My new update
by: Nell

I'm sorry, I don't know what happened either.
After bleeding stopped, I slowly went down to 100mg a day. I use natpro and have used onas.
Why would i have the symptoms of low estrogen? I don't have children either. No breast tenderness, mood is well but no period and. I guess I will have to get dutch test. Funds are tight and I know it's expensive. You need a certain amount of estrogen to have a period right? Thyroid t3 and 4, vit d is normal

Jul 03, 2023
My new update
by: Joy

Hi Nell

Perhaps you reduced down too low, I am thinking more 200mg would be what you need. I am almost certain that your estrogen is not low. So unless I see the hormone tests I can't answer your question. There are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our Environment as it is, no need to take more.

Dutch tests are very expensive, blood or saliva give almost accurate results and far less expensive. You say that your T3 and 4 and vitamin D3 are normal, but what are they? D3 level should be between 70-100ng/ml, if not then you are deficient. Do they equate to the correct results found on the Hormone Testing page?

Jul 03, 2023
My new update
by: Nell

Vit d is 73.5
T3 3.1
T4 1.86. mY lab range, normal is between 0.45-5.33

How much and where can I get a Saliva test?

Very strange that hot flashes can be from low progesterone. I really should be at adequate levels now after 2 years.
The whoes of being a woman. The body is so oddly complexed.

Jul 04, 2023
My new update
by: Joy

Hot Flushes are usually caused by hormones not being balanced and a drop in blood glucose level, to mention a few. The page will explain all about them.

Your D3 is good. Mine is around 125. I like to maintain mine there as that is where I feel at my best. You can compare your other tests on the Hormone Testing page given to you.

You can get either blood or saliva tests done at Birmingham Hospital (UK) and ZRT Labs (USA).

Jul 04, 2023
My new update
by: Nell

I just bought the Saliva test with zrt. I see I can't make account unless I'm a provider. I guess I should have read it first. Will I be able to get my results? I'm not working with a provider right now.

Jul 05, 2023
New update
by: Joy

That is most odd. So many send away for tests with no problems at all, unless something has changed. It might be a good idea to give them a call.

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