
Indefinate use?

by Tippy

Hi again Wray, thanks for answering one of my other questions recently on how to taper. I have looked for this question and apologize if its here and didn't find it but was just wondering,after using progesterone very successfully for estrogen dominance and other problems are their any drawbacks from using it daily without breaks? Are their women who might actually need to use it indefinately even if they still have a cycle?Thanks!

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Oct 21, 2014
Indefinate use?
by: Wray

Hi Tippy It's safe to use without a break, in spite of what other sites, books say. It's always best if the cycle is very erratic, as it's impossible to follow. This would cover puberty, after childbirth, PCOS, Peri-menopause and of course after Menopause. It doesn't leave much time to have a regular cycle! In fact there's evolutionary evidence that we did not bleed as much as we do now, see here. This is another worth reading, see here. Take care Wray

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