I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired
by Renee
(United States)
I found this website through conducting research to determine what is happening to my body.
I just turned 48 years old and starting peri-menopause.
I had always been extremely healthy and never had a weight problem or any other health problem until I took Depo Provera for 3 years in my late 20s.
In those 3 years, I went from 117 pounds to 209 pounds. For those 3 years on Depo I had a constant low grade fever and elevated liver enzymes and high blood pressure. I broke my shoulder and my wrist while on Depo. I got kidney stones and do not have a history of kidney stones. Since going off the Depo, I have never been able to completely shed the weight.I was never able to conceive a baby after I stopped taking it. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and adrenal exhaustion after stopping the Depo Provera. Since then I have always been overweight. I believe in my heart that Depo Provera negatively impacted my health.
I was able to see a naturopathic doctor in my early 30s and he did a saliva test on me and told me that my body was in hormone shock and not making any progesterone and that my adrenal glands were completely exhausted. He put me on progesterone cream, a host of supplements, and Armour thyroid because he said I had also become hypothyroid. I did quite well under him and was able to lose about 50 pounds and the PMS symptoms were alleviated. Unfortunately, I ran out of money and had to discontinue seeing him. Then I had to see a regular doctor who switched me to Synthroid (in my mid 30s) and I've experienced a host of issues ever since. PMS has just gotten worse through the years. For the last decade, I only have one good week out of every month where I am not in pain with PMS symptoms.
It got really bad 3 years ago when I was exercising every day. I managed to lose 18 pounds in 8 months and felt pretty good. One day on the treadmill, I felt a sharp pain in my Achilles tendon and that was the beginning of the end.
I was blamed for my Achilles tendon problem (being obese and exercising on the treadmill too much). I was put in a walking boot and did physical therapy...neither of which did one thing to help the problem in my Achilles which has now spread to the other foot as well. (The walking boot caused me to have back problems, but that's another story)
Then the panic attacks and migraines started and I NEVER had a history of panic attacks or migraines. I also started having terrible heart and chest pain and premature ventricular contractions and palpitations. I had a second EKG done and it was fine. Doctor gave me Xanax and sent me on my way.
She had me on 125mcg of synthroid even though my TSH levels were low (0.19) for almost 3 years. The last two months have been so bad that I was having full blown panic attacks every day, PVCs, chest pains, and PMS that was literally debilitating. 24 hours after ovulation, I am bloated, have cramps, am constantly nauseated, dizzy, anxiety ridden, have insomnia...among other things. This goes on for two weeks. The week before my period, I spot off and on and am in so much discomfort that I have to take sick days and just lie in bed.
I called the doctor last month and she took me off the synthroid completely. She said she will recheck my blood after 3 months of being off because I was likely being overmedicated on the synthroid.
I've been off the synthroid for 1 month so far and a lot of the hyperthyroid symptoms have disappeared BUT the PMS symptoms have not at all. I should also say that I gained 14 pounds in 10 months even though I drastically changed my diet to compensate for the lack of exercise.
My doctor refuses to do hormone testing on me.
She did test for vitamin D and told me to take 2000iu per day.
I have all the symptoms explained on this website. I know I am starting peri-menopause, but I don't think it should be this bad. The quality of my life is terrible right now.
I just want to feel normal again. My life has been impacted to the point where I have stopped interacting with my friends and I just come home from work and try to avoid any type of social activities because I just feel so bad and have no energy. I feel fat and bloated, lethargic and disgusting.
I don't sleep well and I am nervous and irritable. My skin is dry and looking papery. I hate having to take the Xanax, but it is the only thing that helps the anxiety. I want my energy back...I want to start exercising again. I can't lose any weight even though I only eat about 1,000 calories per day. I think I need progesterone, but my doctor won't test me and I cannot afford a naturopath. Because of all of this, I am getting depressed and I REFUSE to take anti-depressants, which my doctor is all to willing to put me on. I've spent the last week doing research to find out how I can help myself without my doctor. Thanks for reading.