
I have been using the cream for 3+ years

by Sandra

I was diagnose with PCOS when I was 24 years old and now I am 30. I had been using the cream for a long time and my period came almost perfectly every month. I assumed it treated with my pcos since I was having period regularly. However I was always half year away in a different country for work and I would sometimes ran out of the natpro. So I used around 1 tbsp at first and tried to reduce a little by little through out the time so the bottle would last longer since sometimes I would be out of cream. So last year because I couldn't get a hold on natpro cream (the place I was in I couldn't find any alternation) I decreased to maybe 1/4 tbsp a day before I ran out and I would have spotting before period and gained a lot of weight. So I guess I couldn't go lower than that. Now that I am out of the cream for couple months, I get bloated, chin ance, sore breasts. Now I am back to the States and have been trying to order the cream here but always out of stock. I was wondering if I used the cream in the right way until I decreased the amount? If so, then I would have to order another brand of progesterone cream and use at least 2 tbsp a day at least since other creams has lower progesterone per mg while I wait for natpro to restock.
Also, I want to get ready for pregnancy for next one or 2 years, would it help me if I keep on using the cream regularly? Should I take vitamin D and folic acid as well? What else should I look for?
Sorry for the poor English. Not a bright writer myself.

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Oct 28, 2014
I have been using the cream for 3+ years
by: Wray

Hi Sandra I'm sorry about the stock outs, it's been a nightmare trying to sort it out. We've been making double batches the past few months, and slowly it's coming right. But there are still the odd stock outs occurring as now. You were using the cream correctly for PCOS, it was the reduction which set you back. And yes using another brand you would have to double up on the amount. We've learnt that a lack of Vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone, so please have a test done if you don't know your level. It is so essential for Pregnancy too, please read through this page for info on how to use progesterone and other supplements. We also have another page on pregnancy here. Take care Wray

Oct 29, 2014
Progesterone Cream on facial hair
by: Cindy

Wray I have used progesterone transdermally for many years 200 mg minimal a day divided and still have too much longer facial hair since peri on through meno , is it possible i may need to actually apply it to my face instead of my beauty creams for it to lessen ?

Oct 30, 2014
Progesterone Cream on facial hair
by: Wray

Hi Cindy It is puzzling as it should have cleared by now. Do try it on your face, I'd be interested to hear if it helps. I use nothing else on my face, and haven't for 18 years now. You might be interested in this study here. In fact you might like to look through all these studies on ageing and progesterone here, here, here and here. It's very protective. Take care Wray

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