
I found me again!

I am now 62 happy years young but at age 55, in 2005 I lost my job, my relationship with my daughter and to top it off we were building our home (need I say more?) and I was the General contractor. I hit bottom and no matter what I tried (therapy, acupuncture, kenesiology, exercise, yoga, meditation, spiritual), what I took (meds), what I ate (I avoided sugar like it was poison!)or whether it was sunny or gray I never stayed happy too long and the "What is really the point to living?) attitude was always by my side. My anxiety was off the scale and depression was always nearby. I had lost the happy woman that had been inside of me for so long.
My womans' intuition ALWAYS told me that this was hormone related. I had a hysterectomy at age 43 but the ovaries were left. I had several tests done and having had breast cancer no Dr. wanted to prescribe any hormones to me. Life went on and I was able to live in this awful state until I just happened to talk to an old friend about sleeping; my sleep was awful and I just thought if I could sleep normally that it might help. She said that once she started oral progesterone she immediately went to sleep. I remembered that years ago I had tried the progesterone cream and I thought I had nothing to lose so I tried it again.
This might be the chicken or egg thing but life has completely changed for me; I am happy, have friends, love my life, my house (it was our going to be our dream home and I just kept thinking that it was our NIGHTMARE!), and I just can't seem to find enough time in the day to do all that I want to do. Those 5+ years of terror are gone.
I have been off all meds now and just use the cream. I have a few side effects-like weight gain (but again that might be due to my socialization and eating!) and a few flushes but I can live with that.
I just found this website and have decided to have my blood levels checked. I have only been using a 2% cream and want to make sure I am using enough.
Thank you for letting me share my story! Mary

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Jul 04, 2012
by: Anonymous


Does taking progesterone help you loose weight?

Jul 05, 2012
I found me again!
by: Wray

Hi Mary Thank you for sharing it! Your description fitted my life too, years of hell and emotionally unstable. Crying about everything, anything, or worse, nothing. Depression and anxiety too, and a host of other symptoms I'd put down to getting old. All gone thanks heavens. If you have your levels checked, please make sure they do both oestrogen and progesterone. You will then be able to check the ratio, this is the critical factor, not so much the amount. We've found from Saliva Tests we run, that it's best if the ratio is 600:1 and over to feel well. We do have a page on Hot Flushes you could look through. And see our page on Oestrogen Dominance for an explanation of weight gain. This can occur if too little progesterone is used. Oestrogen is an excitatory, inflammatory hormone, causing cells to proliferate including fat cells. It's responsible for the increase in subcutaneous fat or subcutaneous adipose tissue aka SAT. Likewise testosterone is responsible for the increase in visceral adipose tissue or VAT, see here and here. In fact excess testosterone will ensure a middle age woman will get a middle age spread! Take care Wray

Jul 05, 2012
by: Wray

Hi there Progesterone cannot be used as a stand alone weight loss treatment, but is useful when combined with one. It does speed metabolism slightly, plus it's an excellent diuretic so any water retention is eliminated, see Traumatic Brain Injury. But don't take it, as oral progesterone is the least effective Delivery system. One side effect of starting progesterone is weight gain, but it's because women use insufficient, generally 20-40mg/day. This will ensure rapid weight gain due to water retention. The reason is explained on our Oestrogen Dominance page. Briefly progesterone stimulates oestrogen if not enough is used. Oestrogen is an excitatory, inflammatory hormone, causing cells to proliferate, including fat cells. It also causes water retention. It's essential to use sufficient to suppress any excess oestrogen. You might like to read through our page on How to use progesterone cream for more info. Take care Wray

Jul 05, 2012
I found me again!
by: Carol - Cape Town

I have definitely lost weight using Natpro and have found that most people experience problems when they use too little. Most people seem terrified of using too much Progesterone when it is in fact the other way around. If you use too little you will continue to have too much Estrogen and this is the culprit for weight gain and other adverse symptoms. Use Natpro and up your dosage!The way I see it is that Estrogen is the rebel child and Progesterone the sensible adult. If the adult doesn't take control and discipline the child, the child will cause chaos! Good luck!

Jul 05, 2012
I found me again!
by: Wray

Hi Carol I love your analogy! Thanks for the words of encouragement too, it is necessary to use a lot to begin with. It's so easy to reduce once things have calmed down. Take care Wray

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