How To Prevent PND If You Need High Doses of NatPro ?
by Anna
(Toronto, Canada)
I've read many post on this site, yet I cannot figure out what to do in my situation.
I am 35. I suspect that I am estrogen dominant because I've been under great deal of stress for the last four years, including divorce, legal battles, death in the family, and a loss of job. My main concern is incredible tension and pain in all muscles, fibrocystic breasts, hart palpitation, occasional anxiety, and difficulties staying asleep. I am sure my adrenals are exhausted. Most of the symptoms show/worsen during the luteal phase only. My periods are very regular(25 days cycle) which means I should only use NatPro cream during the luteal phase.
I have been applying 200 mg for four days now and feel like I need more to combat the estrogen dominance symptoms that worsened(strong palpitations, difficulties sleeping). I take Vit D dayly 10000 iu, vit B and Vit C.
Using the cream during the luteal phase only means I have to quit cold turkey when the bleeding starts. But if I increase my dose now and then stop using the cream on the first day of bleeding my progesterone levels will drop abruptly. Wouldn't I be giving myself something similar to postpartum depression women get after labor when placenta is gone and their progesterone levels drop very fast? Should I just continue using the cream with no breaks throughout the cycle even though my periods are regular?
I would really appreciate your knowledgeable advice as I am lost.
Thank you.