
How should I use the progesterone cream while using Mirena.

by Kim Cammer
(Kinderhook NY)

I have been on Mirena for about 3 years. I have thin hair to begin with but it falls out much more now (cleaning the drain daily) and doesn't grow longer then a certain length. Mirena is otherwise working out for me. I also have low (29) vitamin D levels. I am taking vitamin d supplements. I purchased the cream but was afraid to use it wrong. I went to the doctor requesting the mirena be taken out. He suggested we do some tests first. I had all my thyroid tests and hormones tested. I don't recall him saying anything about Progesterone, but all the others came back fine. He said if the Mirena was the problem my hormones would have been off and he suggested I stay on he Mirena. I should mention I also have a nodule in my thyroid that gives me NO trouble.
Do you think the cream could benefit me? I am very confused about how much and how often to use it.

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Apr 02, 2013
How should I use the progesterone cream while using Mirena
by: Wray

Hi Kim The Mirena does not release progesterone as many women are lead to believe, but a progestin called levonorgestrel. This has been shown to lower progesterone levels, plus impeding the blood flow in the uterine arteries, see here and here. Levonorgestrel is derived from testosterone, so has androgenic properties, which can cause hair loss. This is the prescribing information here, and please see here too. You might like to read these comments here from women who've used the Mirena. To my mind the only safe Contraceptive is the copper T IUD. Vitamin D is vital for the anagen phase of hair growth, we do have a page on Hair Loss you cold look through. Low vitamin D adversely affects progesterone too. A lack of it also affects the thyroid adversely too, see here, here, here, here, here and here. I recommend using 100-200mg/day progesterone, but feel you would need about 200mg/day. I also feel you should use it daily too, as the Mirena is releasing the progestin daily. There is more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

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