
How much progesterone cream to use?

by Siri Rao
(Sarasota, Florida)

Hi-I had my estradiol and progesterone levels checked on day 21 of my cycle. I am 44. My estradiol levels came back as 166 and my progesterone level came back as 7 which is low and makes me estrogen dominant. I started taking DIM Detox a few months ago (200 mg daily) and it worked GREAT, weight that would NOT budge finally started to come off and then the weight loss suddenly stopped. I started a progesterone cream (the brand is Progesto-life by SM Nutrition).

I started using 1/2 tsp TWICE a day and I feel like I am gaining weight! The bottle says to use 1/4 tsp TWICE a day. Am I using too much or too little? It's only been a few days but I can feel the weight coming back on.

My naturopath has been surprisingly unhelpful. I KNOW it's the hormonal imbalance that is causing me to either gain weight or making it IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight. I have had a ton of other blood work done and everything else is normal.

Also which progesterone cream brand do you recommend and how much should I use daily?

Please help!


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Feb 23, 2022
How much progesterone cream to use?
by: Joy

Hi Siri Rao

Correct your progesterone:estrogen ratio is 42:1 it should be around 600:1 see the Hormone Testing page. If DIM is working for you then that is great. I do find and feedback from others, that calcium d glucarate is far better.

How odd that your naturopath has not been helpful, they usually are. Weight gain could be due to a number of things. If progesterone is not being used correctly it can cause it. I can't speak for Progesto-life, information on this website is based on Natpro Progesterone Cream which is a 3.33% cream. Usually between 100-200mg per day is needed, more if symptoms are severe. Insulin Resistance can also cause weight gain. All these weird and wonderful things happen to us when we hit menopause, argh!!!

You are in Peri-Menopause so you more than likely need to use more cream. You will have to experiment and see what works for you best. I suspect you are not using enough. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream page.

It is important to understand that even if you switch progesterone creams you will suffer from certain Estrogen Dominance symptoms until the body adjusts.

So many forget about the importance of Vitamin D3. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is connected to every single functioning cell in our body making it vital.

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