
Hormone results

by Anonoous

Progesterone- 3

Estradiol-17- 216

Testosterone- 2.3

Prolactin- 8

Parathyroid 3.6





LH- 17

Cortisol AM- 605

Cortisol urine- 106

cortisol 24 hours-159

17 hdroxyprogesterone- 8.9

androstenendione- 28.6

What do you make of these lab results?

Thank you

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Oct 22, 2013
Hormone results
by: Wray

Hi there You haven't given me the units that were used in the test, or whether it was a saliva test or blood test. But we do have a page on Hormone Testing you could look through. It shows how to calculate your P:E2 ratio. Take care Wray

Oct 22, 2013
Hormone results
by: Alyce

Wow I simply can't get over how some people ask questions. Personally I find this rather disrespectful!

Oct 22, 2013
hormone results
by: Anonymous

Progesterone- 3 nmol/L

Estradiol-17- 216 pmol/L

Testosterone- 2.3 nol/L

Prolactin- 8 uh/L

Parathyroid 3.6 pmol/L

Dhea-S umol/L

t3-4.6 pmol/L

t4-15 pmol/L

tsh-0.88 miu/l

LH- 17 IU/L

Cortisol AM- 605

Cortisol urine- 106 nmol/L

cortisol 24 hours-159 nmol/day

17 hdroxyprogesterone- 8.9 nmol/L

androstenendione- 28.6 nmol/L

Thank you Please help I am desperate
They are thinking adrenal hyperplasia over Pcos but not sure

Oct 22, 2013
hormone results
by: Anonymous

And I think that my progesterone to estrogen ratio is 23:1 if I calculated it right.

Oct 23, 2013
hormone results
by: Wray

Hi there It's very difficult to help you if you only give me a string of figures. What are your symptoms, your age? Your P:E2 ratio is 14:1, i.e. 3 divided by 0.216. Which is very low. An LH level higher than FSH indicates possible PCOS, but you haven't given me the FSH results. Your LH is high for the follicular phase, low for the mid-cycle peak, high for the luteal phase, and falls into the menopause phase, so how old are you, and when was the test done, i.e. what phase where you in. The same of course applies to the progesterone. There's little point in doing the test unless at the mid-luteal peak. What is your free testosterone level, they've only checked total testosterone. And the most important test they haven't done, which is for vitamin D. And the adrenal hyperplasia, is this non classical adrenal hyperplasia? If it is please see my answer here to someone who has recently written in. Take care Wray

Oct 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am 22, I have already tried the cream, it mae symptoms worse. ever since being off of it ive have anxiety insomnia, but while on it fatigue and excess hair growth. My 17-0h is slightly raised. all these tests were done during follicular phase.can progesterone cause an increase in the 17-oh

Oct 23, 2013
absrobed through the skin
by: Anonymous

Also my doctor told me that it isn't properly absorbed through the skin the same as prometrium is because its micronized and goes through the vagina and also because after using 400 mg daily my progesterone numbers did not move and stayed low and my increase in hair growth increased. He told me I need both estrogen and progesterone to balance because the high amounts of progesterone are supressing my already low estrogen.

Oct 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

does that mean also if my 17-oh progesterone is raised that mmy pregnnenolone is too?or would it be low

Oct 23, 2013
hormone results
by: Anonymous

Also it is strange that the progesterone increased my 17-oh as well as andresdione, but my progesterone still remains low. I am a mess and regret this cream so much

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