Help with Progesterone-Estrogen Ratio
by Lynne
(West Virginia)
Hi Wray-
What do you make of this: I was severely Estrogen Dominant back in November with an Estradiol Serem of over 1,000 pg/mL. I started using 200 mg per day of Nat Pro and at the beginning of the year (Day 16 of my cycle), Estradiol was 314.7 pg/mL and Progesterone was less than .8 ng/mL. I think this is a ratio of 2:1 if my math is correct. Terrible ratio but I did feel better than I did when it was 1000!
Doctor wanted to see what my Progesterone was during the peak luteal phase and it was 1.52... I didn't have the Estradiol checked that day. Yes, this is low, especially since it should have been peaking.
That was last month. Since Day 12 of this cycle, I have been using 400 mg of Nat Pro per day (1/2 in morning, 1/2 in evening after bath) and I had my levels re-checked on Day 20-
Progesterone was 3.38 and Estradiol was 40.23. My doctor said that for my age (47), my estradiol should be about 100, but of course its going to change and cycle through the month.
So, I believe my new ratio is 84:1... I can't believe I went from off the charts HIGH Estrodiol to what would be considered low- is this okay? And is it the progesterone therapy that is doing it? Again, I feel much better than I did in months past, but I am definitely no where near how I used to feel say two years ago.
I've been using the Energy Formula and trying to battle my insulin resistence via that and a version of the Ketone Diet (combined with Paleo). I really felt I was making some ground and then the day before my dr's appt I swear its like I gained 5 lbs of water- My Vitamin D was 28 ng/dL in March and after four weeks of supplementing with about 11,000 mg per day (including the 5K in the Energy Formula), it is now 43 ng/dL. You had suggested rechecking it in three months but hey, since I was at the lab and they were drawing blood, why not get it checked just to see? Is that a good improvement for one month? My mom wanted me to ask you if you think there is something driving my Vitamin D down. The lab puts me in normal range now but I know it should be much higher... like 70 ng/dL at least.
I know once I get the hormones balanced, it will only be a matter of time before the weight starts to fall off- I won't have to guess as to whether I've lost weight or not.
One last thing- since I was at the lab, I had my cortisol checked- it was 9.15 UG/dL but no range or values have been established for cortisol at this lab. Does that number mean anything to you?
My doctor 'kind of/sort of' seems to know what he is doing but at the same time, it doesn't seem like he 'GETS IT'... I keep saying I'm going to find a female physician... just need to do it!
take care Wray!! Lynne