by Robin Kearns
I am 61 years old and am feeling that good. My primary care doctor sent me to see a hormone specialist and let me tell you that I am not happy with the plan she came up with. I am not understanding why she would want me to take certain medications, so I would appreciate any comments or advice I can get. One of the things she wants me to take is testosterone when my blood work is showing it is high and I already have thinning hair, facial hair and acne on my chin.
My lab results are as follows and they were blood drawn:
Estradiol 13.1
Progesterone 0.2
Testosterone 49.0
LH 47.0
FSH 77.4
FreeT3 3.0
DHEA 96.6
Vitamin d 41.7
Here is what she wants me to take:
Estradiol oral 0.5
Progesterone 100 mg oral
Testosterone 20 mg Cream
DHEA SR 10mg
Thyroid 15 mg
Vitamin D3 10,000 IU
I did start taking the vitamin D3.
Thank you in advance,
Comments for Help, I need some advice