by Gretchen
I wrote to Wray a little bit ago about my withdrawal from progesterone.
It’s been almost a month off of progesterone, and I was doing fine, but I have now been having body vibrations and humming, increased anxiety, and body letdowns (which I never experienced before taking progesterone). It’s so strange. I am waiting for my doctor to get back to me about what I should do next. I don’t know if I should go back on progesterone or continue to stay off of it. M I progesterone level was a 6.6 (it was a 2.3 two months earlier), and my estrogen rose to 32 from 20. My FSH levels dropped. It was always a steady 6, and it dropped to 1.6 this last time I got them drawn.
I don’t know what to do and am looking for some more answers. I thought I would be out of the withdrawal stage of stopping progesterone cold turkey. I was only on it for 5 months.
Thank you!!! C
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