
Had hystorectomy. Estrogen/progesterone/testosterone low

by Beth Crawley
(Deerfield, WI)

HI my name is Beth. I had a hysterectomy in 2001. Had hormones tested two weeks ago. All my hormones are out side of low range. So, was put on a bio-identical cream of Esterdiol (1mg), Progesterone (20m), Testosterone (1mg). I have been using it for 5 days, and I'm tired and fatigued now.

I am worried after surfing your website that the combination listed above might not be correct. Can you give me a good combination I can take to my doctor, or is she on the right track. (Worried i might need the 100mg you talked about, but wonder if hystorectomy puts me in a different ball park). Oh, by the way, i have gained 60lbs since hystorectomy, and can not lose weight (waistline is 44"). I was also diagnosed with insulin resistance about 4 yrs ago, but was not very faithful with the metformin. It is still prescribed and I intend to start it again, unless your natural compound would be better. (of course all will be presented to my doctor.) Thank you

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Sep 04, 2011
Use more progesterone cream
by: CamperKat

I am now 51 and had a similar experience with insulin resistance, although no hysterectomy...if you look for my posts (CamperKat) you will see what I went through after quitting HRT meds cold turkey, and refusing to take Metformin and Crestor.

I can tell you that it is now 9 months since I quit all Rx meds, and I've been using progesterone cream since February 2011.

After much research (you must read Jack Challem's books "Stop Pre-Diabetes Now" and "The Inflammation Syndrome" and Dr John Lee?s book ?What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Menopause?) and I followed his supplement plan and a modified Zone diet. I also researched the ?Caveman Diet? also called the ?Paleolithic Diet? which basically states we should only eat what our ancient ancestors ate, and they did not eat any kind of grains because they did not have the technology (grinding stones) to process the oats or barley or wheat?that most modern diseases are diseases of excess?too many carbs, too much red meat from industrial processing plants that is high in Omega-6 fats, and too much soy oil and other omega-6 fats?and of course, too much corn syrup?which your body processes differently than sugar?it triggers a different kind of insulin response than plain white sugar.


Sep 04, 2011
Part Two
by: CamperKat


So I have been eating limited carbs and almost no grains (which means I basically gave up my beloved oatmeal and multi-grain cereal?it actually made me achy) and now I eat lots of berries and organic veggies as much as possible, lots of protein from grass-fed/free-range cows and chickens and good saturated fats like coconut oil and whole milk and butter from grass-fed cows...this is high in alpha linolenic acid and Omega-3s from the grass and it is GOOD for you...eating more fat and less carbs also helps in weight loss because fat does NOT trigger insulin.)

I also take a variety of herbal supplements and vitamins, among them things for insulin resistance/blood sugar like chromium polinicotinate (niacin-bound chromium, not the other stuff you see in most supplements), pycogenol, alpha lipoic acid, milk thistle and a bunch of other stuff for pain management.

Following this plan and using progesterone cream I went from 188 lbs on Oct 1, 2010 to 148 lbs as of this morning, all with no exercise. My blood pressure went from 133/90 to 110/70, cholesterol from 259 to 169, liver AST/ALT enzymes from 130s to 17 and 27, glucose from 106 to 80, A1C from 6.0 to 1.0. I still have high C-Reaction Protein because of arthritis. You can?t argue with these results, and my (new) MDs are greatly impressed.

Weight loss can be done if you stop listening to doctors and ?dieticians? and the FDA and the "Food Pyramid" and only eat carbs that come from berries, apples or vegetables. Stop eating the so-called "good carbs? and ?whole grains" which causes inflammation, triggers insulin and causes weight gain. Eat ?happy cow? protein and chicken and eat good fats?imagine?have broccoli with pasture butter and 4-6oz of free-range meat and a giant bowl of berries with cream!! My favorite treat is plain non-fat Greek yogurt with Dole frozen berries with vanilla and stevia?unreal, it?s so good. I DO eat fat, but because this is a substitute for ice cream and other treats, I want A LOT of it?so I make it with lots of vanilla extract and stevia and get the non-fat kind. This way, it?s high in protein, low in carbs, no fat, high in fiber from the berries?and I basically eat as much as I want. A ?win-win?. don't need drugs. Also visit the Weston A. Price Foundation website to get info on the foods you should eat.

Much luck to you!

Sep 06, 2011
Had hystorectomy. Estrogen/progesterone/testosterone low
by: Wray

Hi Beth I can't better what CamperKat has said, she gives all the foods you should avoid, and all the foods you should eat. Which is contrary to the 'normal' guidelines, as she points out. You might like to read up on the Paleo Diet, an excellent way of eating, see our page on Nutrition for a link to the site. And here's the link to the Weston Price website. I don't believe anyone needs more oestrogen, there is already too much in the environment, see the website Our Stolen Future. And our page on HRT too, it matters not whether the oestrogen is synthetic, natural or a phytoestrogen, it has the same effect on us. As for testosterone, that should never be given to a woman, it increases the risk of getting Insulin Resistance, heart disease and cancer, plus it increases visceral fat, hence your weight gain, see here, here, here, here, here here, here, here, here and here. Oestrogen too would have added weight, as it stimulates fat cells to multiply, plus causing water retention. I've run out of space so will continue below. Take care Wray

Sep 06, 2011
Had hystorectomy. Estrogen/progesterone/testosterone low
by: Wray

Hi Beth As CamperKat says, you need more progesterone, I recommend 100-200mg/day, more if symptoms are severe. For more info on it's use after a hyst, see our page on Menopause. The low amount of progesterone you are using is only making matters worse, see our page on Oestrogen Dominance. Please note oestrogen dominance can occur when increasing the amount of progesterone. There are so many nutrients which help IR, I don't believe a diabetic drug like metformin is needed. But if you do take it again, please take vitamin B12 too, as glucophage reduces levels, see here. Finally please have a vitamin D test done, a lack of this causes IR and weight gain. For more info see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth and Birmingham Hospital websites. Take care Wray

Sep 06, 2011
Use more progesterone cream
by: Wray

Hi CamperKat I'm so delighted you've had such a turn around, without doing anything except change your diet to such delicious foods! Plus the supplements. I can't believe the blood test results, you must be over the moon about it, and no drugs either. Just shows how the body responds when given the nutrients it needs. I can't remember if I gave you the info on vitamin D and arthritis, I'm sure I must, but in case not see here, here, here, here and here. Take care Wray

Feb 08, 2012
Email sent
by: Wray

Hi Camperkat I do hope you get this, but I have sent you an email in reply to your concerns about repeated questions! I'm going to put this message on some of the other pages you made comments on in the hopes you get it. Please look in your junk box, it might be there. Would love your suggestions! Take care Wray

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