Had hystorectomy. Estrogen/progesterone/testosterone low
by Beth Crawley
(Deerfield, WI)
HI my name is Beth. I had a hysterectomy in 2001. Had hormones tested two weeks ago. All my hormones are out side of low range. So, was put on a bio-identical cream of Esterdiol (1mg), Progesterone (20m), Testosterone (1mg). I have been using it for 5 days, and I'm tired and fatigued now.
I am worried after surfing your website that the combination listed above might not be correct. Can you give me a good combination I can take to my doctor, or is she on the right track. (Worried i might need the 100mg you talked about, but wonder if hystorectomy puts me in a different ball park). Oh, by the way, i have gained 60lbs since hystorectomy, and can not lose weight (waistline is 44"). I was also diagnosed with insulin resistance about 4 yrs ago, but was not very faithful with the metformin. It is still prescribed and I intend to start it again, unless your natural compound would be better. (of course all will be presented to my doctor.) Thank you