
Gut pain

by Briony


I am struggling to resolve a recurring issue whereby every time I increase my progesterone cream my gut flares with acid reflux, severe indigestion and chest pain.

As a result, I can not get past 50mg of cream.

As this keeps happening, I have had lots of medical tests - endoscopy, CT scan etc. Nothing found.

Why is progesterone cream causing this severe reaction? And it means I cannot get up to the recommended dose.

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Oct 24, 2023
Gut Pain
by: Joy

Hi Briony

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with progesterone. Unfortunately you will experience this as long as you use the amount that you are using. Progesterone therapy affects everyone differently, the most common complaint is due to incorrect dosage. It can take 2-6 months of the correct progesterone use before one notices a difference. Time, perseverance and patience is needed. I wish that progesterone therapy was easy, it isn't.

You have had all the necessary tests done, so we know that there is nothing ugly going on. Usually 100-200mg per day is needed if you are not wanting to conceive. The fact that you mentioned chest pains is a common complaint when not enough is being used. Some use as much as 400mg to get over this. Chest pains/heart palpitations can be scary. Please read How to use Progesterone cream. All your adverse symptoms indicate Estrogen Dominance. Your estrogen receptors are being aggravated especially as not enough progesterone is being used. Please consider increasing it to 200mg per day using a good organic cream such as Natpro. If that doesn't help, then increase again. Find a level that will suit you. Rub the cream on any painful area of the body, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory.

What is your Vitamin D3 level? Please make sure that it is between 70-100ng/ml. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone, it is also connected to every single function cell in our bodies making it vital. Cofactors are needed when taking D3.

Talking of the gut. If the gut is not healthy neither will you be. We all suffer from inflammation, eating fermented foods help greatly with this.

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