by elizabeth gallagher
(UK )
Hello Wray !
It's been a while since I have written and I suppose that means I am Okay on my 500mg of progesterone.
I have some bad days now and again but nothing like I was at 40 years old. I think regardless of your treatment menopause and peri will have tidal waves and symptoms will wax and wane.
Case in point: I have no had breast increasing or soreness for months despite being on the 500mg or progesterone. It may come back it may not.
I no longer bleed due to the dosage. Now and then, there is a bit of brown blood when I wipe but I have to really make a point of checking. I call them my period but it is essentially a minute droplet of blood.
Its hard to know when or if I have periods anymore which can be frustrating as I have PMS with no period and periods with no PMS so I can no longer say "Ahhh! So THAT"S why I was feeling ABC"
Anyway... I found this link as I was researching moles. I have had malignant melanoma in my early 30s and 4 months ago discovered a new mole on my wrist which I am seeing someone about tomorrow.
I have read that new moles after the age of 40 are unusual but I have also read that hormones effect the skin and cause moles to change or cause new moles to appear.
I wanted to see if there was a link to progesterone and melanoma or new moles, period.
I found this article in a forum. I cannot vouch for its accuracy, perhaps you can or indeed have already seen it.
Just wanted to share :)
Liz UK
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