
Extremely high progesterone

by Roses

I’m 32 years old and have been struggling with weight gain and full body bloating for several months, now. I have a very clean diet which is organic and lower carb.
I’ve been waking up very sluggish, very little muscle stamina or energy.
I did a hormone test on day 12 of my cycle and my progesterone was 212. I am definitely not pregnant and am really concerned what this might be. My estradiol seemed well in range. I do experience aching cramps during my period, but not really any other times.

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May 17, 2022
Extremely high progesterone
by: Joy

Hi Roses

Sounds to me as if you are suffering from Insulin Resistance .

You don't say if you are using progesterone or not or how much. Information on this website is based on Natpro progesterone cream which is a 3% cream. If you are using anything else please contact the makers of the product or make sure that you adjust the amount used to equate to Natpro.

What units did you have your progesterone level tested, ng/ml or nmol/L? While every hormone test is important, it is the ratio between progesterone and estrogen that is needed. I need both test results. Within range means nothing to me, see Hormone Testing.

Cramping during your period could indicate that you have Endometriosis or Fibriods. Have you been tested?

May 21, 2022
Hormonal imbalance
by: Anonymous

HI Roses, I'm dealing with hormonal issues myself.
I started taking magnesium and Vit D and my cramps diminished a lot even my breasts pain.
Also hormonal imbalances cause all kinds of things in the body, fatigue being one of them, special during the last stage of the cycle.
In my case the imbalance is caused by cortisol which is triggered by chronic stress and Vit D deficiency, fun, huh?
Hope I could help.

May 23, 2022
none of my comments are being posted
by: Anonymous

I have tried to post 3 times so far and am desperately looking for help with my experience using Natpro.... if I cannot post, is there someone I can talk to?

May 23, 2022
none of my comments are being posted
by: Joy

Hi there

That is most odd. Where did you post the other comments? You used Anonymous so I can even search for them.

Please reply here and let me know how I can help you. What are you symptoms and age.

Take care.

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