
Extreme high dose of progesterone and hairloss

by Lisa

I'm on 1600mg for extreme postpartum depression/anger issues. It's working and I have been on that dose since the beginning of Feburary. Off and on spotting and my mood has evened out. All in all I'm doing much, much better.

My sex drive has still not come back and my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. Is this normal since I have such an imbalance of hormones? The texture of my hair has changed as well.

I'm waiting until I get a normal period before I decrease the dose but maybe I'm way too high?
Please help!

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Mar 20, 2018
Hair loss
by: Anonymous

Make sure you have a B12 test done and check the result yourself. (Don't settle for 'It's satisfactory), as a deficiency in B12 can cause hair loss symptoms.

I had post partum depression and progesterone treatment helped a lot. All the best.

Mar 21, 2018
Extreme high dose of progesterone and hairloss
by: Joy

Hi Lisa

I am pleased that you are feeling better, it can take those who suffer a long time.

Your body is still adjusting. Hair loss and low libido can also be affected. Things should improve for you. When you do start to reduce, please do so slowly. Reduce by 20mg weekly until you find an amount of progesterone that will suit you.

Hair loss can also be due to number of things, stress can cause it too. Have you had your thyroid tested? that could be another reason for hair loss.

Please read these pages.
Hair Loss
Low Libido

Apr 23, 2018
Ferritin affects hair loss
by: Sarah

Also have your iron level checked, but insist on a ferritin test. I read (and have personal experience) that when your ferritin level drops below 50, you'll lose hair, and below 40 you won't be growing any, Ideal would be 90-100.

My iron was always normal, but my ferritin was 10. My regular doctor had no problem with that, on a testing scale from 10-100, despite my numerous low-iron symptoms. I have since found a naturopath who is helping me correct several issues with my hormones and thyroid. I've been supplementing with iron and my hair and eyelashes are regrowing.

Keep reading and learning all you can about your symptoms, don't trust a doctor to care enough or even know about the issue!

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