
Estrogen Dominance

by Lori
(Canada )

I’m 47 yrs old and have been taking Bioidentical progesterone 125 mg a or a year now. I think I’m not taking enough cream because I don’t feel any better.

I have 3 fibroids, ovarian cyst, extreme fatigue, hair loss, bloating, acne on chin, severe back pain, irregular periods, severe migraines, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia...... How much progesterone should I take a day? Do I take it everyday or only during LH and for how long?

I checked my thyroid, Vit D which are all good, my doctor actually told me to stop with the. Vit D because my reading was high.

I read that you can apply the cream anywhere but my doctor told me only on thin skin and that because I was too thin the cream isn’t being absorbed and that’s why I haven’t been feeling better is that true?

Please help I had to quit my job because of this and I need to feel better so I can go back to work....

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Apr 02, 2018
Feel for you!
by: Anonymous

Some of these symptoms are familiar, but having had a total hysterectomy things are very different now (6kg if ovarian cysts and an appendix tumor!!)
I know that diet can really help, iodine testing and supplementing is often a need for us with cysts and fibroids and hormonal imbalance. There is also the use of metformin to help with pcos, quite effective I believe, also a useful diabetes drug. You need an enlightened doctor!

Maybe do a thorough cleanse and detoxify the body, I have become a raw vegan to fight my cancer and am doing well. I do believe diet change and the right supplements can help the body immensely to begin to overcome such debilitating conditions.

You have my compassion, In hope you find the right solution

Apr 02, 2018
Estrogen dominance
by: Rachel

Hello! Have you had your hormones all tested so you can see your ratios (how your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are in relation to each other)? I ask because I have all the same symptoms as you and I had no estrogen but high levels of progesterone.

Apr 03, 2018
Estrogen Dominance
by: Joy

Hi Lori

Your are in Peri-Menopause which can be a terrible time for most women. I suggest using 200mg per day. As your cycle is irregular, please use the cream every day and see how you get on. Fatigue, as well as being an estrogen dominance symptom, can also mean Insulin Resistance. Have you had your level tested? Excess estrogen often causes cysts.

Optimal Vitamin D3 range is between 70-100ng/mL, if you stop taking it, your level will drop.

The cream can be applied all over the body, to use only on thin skin is a misconception.

Please read these pages.

How to use Progesterone Cream

Estrogen Dominance

Hair Loss





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