by Lori
(Canada )
I’m 47 yrs old and have been taking Bioidentical progesterone 125 mg a or a year now. I think I’m not taking enough cream because I don’t feel any better.
I have 3 fibroids, ovarian cyst, extreme fatigue, hair loss, bloating, acne on chin, severe back pain, irregular periods, severe migraines, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia...... How much progesterone should I take a day? Do I take it everyday or only during LH and for how long?
I checked my thyroid, Vit D which are all good, my doctor actually told me to stop with the. Vit D because my reading was high.
I read that you can apply the cream anywhere but my doctor told me only on thin skin and that because I was too thin the cream isn’t being absorbed and that’s why I haven’t been feeling better is that true?
Please help I had to quit my job because of this and I need to feel better so I can go back to work....
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