
Dosing/Measuring advice- NatPro

by JM

I recently bought 3 tubes of NatPro and even after reading the link on dosing I am confused as to how to measure. If I want to use 100 mg's of cream for instance, looking at the chart it looks like that is around 3/5th's of a tsp if you consider that 99.90 mgs is equivalent to 3/5 tsp (according to the dosing chart). Okay, that I get but how on earth can one accurately measure 3/5s of a teaspoon? How are others measuring? (or I should ask what do you use to measure) I just don't see how i can be very accurate squeezing cream into a teaspoon.

My second question is how much I should use. I notice that the recommendation here tends to be very high - 200 mgs and up. Isn't there a danger of progesterone storing in fat cells if one uses this high dosing from now on? What about weight gain? I have read in many places that is a side effect of too much progesterone. I am pretty certain that I am low on progesterone however I admittedly feel that there can also be some consequences of using such high doses of cream.

My most recent lab work on hormone levels was 3.1 ng/ml progesterone and total estrogen was 314.6 pg/ml. It was marked "normal" by my MD however 3.1 on the progesterone sure sounds very LOW to me and the estrogen sounds high. I am 48 years old and have been experiencing symptoms of peri menopause (or perhaps even menopause). Hair is thinning, facial hair has gotten worse (dark hair and skin, always had a small amount of facial hair but it is getting darker), i've had horrible mood swings over the past two years, and bad scalp pain with the hair loss. The mood swings have gotten better as I have taken up regular exercise (weights and cardio four to five times a week). I think my problem is in relation to over production of androgens and I suspect this could be due to the low progesterone. I was on a Mirena IUD for many years and I think it totally shut off my bodies natural production of progesterone and I am trying to get my body back to producing a healthy level.

Additional lab work came back with TSH at 0.897 uIU/mL, FSH 9.39 mIU/ML and LH 11.56 mIU/ML

Any advice for me on dosing and/or thoughts on my current hormone levels from my lab work?

Thank you in advance.

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Oct 07, 2014
Dosing/Measuring advice- NatPro
by: Wray

Hi JM It is difficult with either an American or English spoon, much easier if using a metric spoon. These come in 1ml (1g) sizes too which will give 33.3mg progesterone. An alternative is to squeeze out an amount the size of an almond. This is approximately 1ml. It's always impossible to recommend a particular amount to use, it really is trial and error. You might like to read what others have said about using high amounts, see here, here,here, here and here. Weight gain can occur if insufficient is used. See our page on Progesterone Misconceptions Your ratio is only 10:1 which is very low, it does't surprise me you have all those symptoms. You might like to see our page on Saliva Tests Take care Wray

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