
Dose increase symptoms

by Rachel

Hi, can you help???

I'm following all the processes as described. My prog to estrogen ratio is very low at 10:1.

Every time I increase my dose of progesterone cream, a few days later my ED symptoms return just as bad as before. Yet I'm increasing to try and get rid of them.

Is this normal??? Do I ride it out??? Or is it a sign my dose is still too low. I'm at 250mg?!

Will it ever get better? I feel like giving up and going on the pill. I know this is bad, but I can't take feeling like this much longer. It's been months.

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Feb 28, 2022
Dose increase symptoms
by: Joy

​Hi Rachel

Yes, that ratio is extremely low. Have you read the How to use Progesterone Cream page? You will experience changes when you either switch progesterone creams or increase a dose, this is quite normal. It affects some more than others. Please stay on the 250mg per day amount for at least a week, if no improvement then increase again. Your estrogen is so high that you need to use a lot of progesterone. You can either ride it out or increase until you find a level that works for you. ​Once you feel stable with no ED symptoms you can reduce the amount of cream used. ​ Please do not reduce it until this happens.

Yes it will get better, but how long have you been using the correct amount of​ ​progesterone for? You say months, but how long? It can take 2-6 months before one feels the benefits, longer if symptoms are severe.

Progesterone therapy is not easy, I wish it was. It takes time and patience. Please try to stick it out, you will be glad that you did.

What is your Vitamin D3 level? This is very important as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. ​​

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