
Dosage for Natpro

(san Francisco)


So I'm having trouble finding a search button to search for what has probably already been answered.

If I were to go up to 400-500mg of Progesterone (in Natpro cream formula) that means one bottle would be only approximately 4 doses a day, is this correct? Which means over $200 per month per bottle?


Comments for Dosage for Natpro

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Aug 05, 2018
Dosage table for Natpro
by: Natasha UK

How to use progesterone cream.

If you scroll down to the chart at the bottom of this page on the site it looks like 7-8 days for that high dosage of Natpro

Aug 05, 2018
by: Anonymous

There is another progesterone cream that you can find but I am not allowed to name it. I don't know why that is on this site . It use to be that other creams were mentioned. Please do the research. It is far more cost effective and is USP progesterone. sorry I cannot name it.

Note from moderator:
Good day Anonymous
Your message was not published as it was a clear sales pitch, this site is not for advertising. If you can post just the name of your alternative option again we can publish this. (without all the links etc.)

Aug 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Ona's progesterone cream.

Aug 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

I would like to add please, if I may, that it was not intended as a sales pitch at all. I didn't even mention the cream. I did in the last comment because you suggested I did that only. It's a bit confusing as to what you require here on this website now. I should also add that I have used Natpro myself. I have nothing against that wonderful cream.
It was intended to give women an alternative to Natpro. Natpro is an excellent cream and I would never say or think otherwise, but some women find it difficult to afford and I feel for them, because in the long run they may just give up because of the cost. This website is to help women who are so often desperate about their hormonal concerns. I would have thought that anything to help them along that path is the priority , and that the naming of creams to give them options is a perfectly worthy thing. Natrpo is the only cream ever mentioned these days. In the past, when Wray Whyte was answering comments, other creams were mentioned with no problem at all. I guess all of that has changed since that wonderful woman's passing.

Aug 07, 2018
cream alternatives
by: Moderator

Hello Anonymous

A post came through onto this page from an 'Anonymous' that provided web-links, costings, and a host of other information for Ona's cream..the information clearly appeared to be a sales pitch. This may not have come from you, there are so many anonymous it is hard to tell who is who!

There have been repeated posts from an 'Anonymous' who is constantly pushing Ona's cream on this site, in various forums, to the point where it has become disrespectful and clearly makes it seem like Ona's is trying to piggy-back on this website, which is information based and not about pushing products or advertising.

Wray herself gives suggestions for alternative progesterone creams that she recommends on this page here:

Progesterone cream.

As quoted from this page:

"Please compare... the four progesterone creams listed below are all good products... none are bogus "Yam Creams" or pure "label jobs". In fact I've deliberately selected what I believe are the best alternative natural progesterone creams to Natpro...

Renewed Balance

... you will see that these products vary in concentration of progesterone - its important to keep this in mind."

Wray spent most of her life researching and writing this website, a child of her own struggles, dedicated to selflessly helping others to provide a free resource of thoroughly researched information for all people, men and women alike, to benefit. It is tragically sad that she has gone, though we do our best to maintain this resource in her stead.

We are as objective as possible when it comes to monitoring and editing submissions, though this site does get misused and abused on occasion which is a problem that needs to be monitored and addressed so that it remains a valid and respected resource of information for all.

We sincerely wish the best for all who visit this site.

Warm wishes

Aug 08, 2018
by: Anonymous

I appreciate your comments. Please bear in mind that Ona passed away a little over a year ago. She was only 40 years old. She , like Wray, was trying her best to help women, although I would not suggest that her knowledge was as in depth as Wray's, but she did care very much indeed and was knowledgeable. It was not ever her intention to find her way onto other people's websites. I have no idea she even knew this website. Maybe she did and maybe she didn't. Her site is sufficient enough. She lists all other creams on the market, including Natrpo, with no problem at all. I appreciate that you took the time to respond to my comments. This website is to help women, not to have unnecessary conflicts over which cream , etc. That is for a woman to decide. All I was saying was allow them the choice, which I believe you do. I do understand if you sense that someone is simply doing a "pitch". However, having said that, how do you know what the intentions, or better yet, the tone is behind the comment or suggestion? Honestly, I just think people are trying to help each other in the best way they know. I originally came to this wonderful site thinking it is about progesterone, period. It is not , to my understanding, just a site for Natpro although that is what is mainly suggested - which I understand. I recommended Natpro to my own daughter who loves it. So my intention is not one sided. Whatever works the best for a woman is the main thing!
Wishing you all the best. Thank you.

Aug 08, 2018

by: Moderator

Hello Anonymous, thank you for your comment and input, I think we are of one mind: we are all here to help and support each other.

To clarify some things I think may have been misinterpreted..

I do not suggested Ona, herself, was pushing her product on this site. We have always allowed the sharing of other products available on the market, though we prefer to focus on information sharing rather than on products.

As I said we are as objective as possible, with the exception of allowing blatant advertising to be done (whether by the company itself or by someone pushing another's product), so to answer your question: "how do you know what the intentions, or better yet, the tone is behind the comment or suggestion?"...When a post comes though that, as I said, has direct links to shops with prices and shipping options, this is clearly a sales pitch, there is no message involved in these posts, and no helpful information attached to the 'pitch'...these are the posts we need to monitor.

This site is not solely about promoting Natpro, even though Natpro is the cream developed by Wray, it is for all to share information and experience. Ona's product is mentioned on many forums, and many other creams available on the market are shared on the link I posted in the previous comment.

Thank you for your valuable contributions, Wishing you all the best too!

Aug 08, 2018
by: Susan

Wow, both of them have passed away? I"m sorry to hear that. What did they both die from so young?

Thanks for the recommendation too. I have ordered some through my gyno and compounding pharmacy for now. I'll price it all out and see what's my best course of action for future refills.

Aug 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thank you Moderator for your thoughtful response. Yes, we are of one mind. This is the most unique website out there for information about progesterone. It has been life changing for me personally and countless other women around the world. I have always been so grateful to Wray Whyte. I would love to have met her. I completely understand your comments about having issues with anyone promoting products with prices, etc. Absolutely fair comment. Thank you, and wishing you and everyone here all the very best for your health and well being!

Aug 10, 2018
by: Moderator

Thank you for your kind words. We do our best and hope to always be here to be of service to all.
Warmest wishes.

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