
cysts advice

by Nicky
(Richmond, P.E)

Been on Natpro never less then 300mg daily since January. Still have cysts on left outer breast. Have been doing iodine and kelp. Is it normal for estrogen dominance to take this long to settle down???? Never had cysts before Natpro. This is my 4th month taking it. Taking vit D 5000iu as well. So frustrated. Anxiety improving but have never been without cysts in this one breast yet. What am I doing wrong?

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Apr 22, 2015
cysts advice
by: Wray

Hi Nicky You're doing nothing wrong, it can take 3 to 6 months for things to settle down. There's no telling how anyone of us will react to progesterone. Have you tried rubbing an iodine solution such as Lugol's on to your breast? Although I've been using progesterone for nearly 18 years now, a couple of months ago I got a small sore cyst in my one breast. I poured about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of Lugol's into my hand and rubbed this over the entire breast. I did the other breast for good measure. By morning the cyst had gone. Please try this. And please have a Vitamin D test done, it could be it's too low. In which case it would be advisable to increase the dose to 10,000iu/day. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. I'm pleased the anxiety has improved, the vitamin D would help with this too. Take care Wray

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