
Cycle confusion

by Maggie

Having just started 100mg 3% cream this month, I'm confused about how it will affect my period.

Will I still get a bleed??? I thought progesterone stopped bleeding?

I am day 26 of cycle and due a bleed - but I'm just getting brown spotting. But all the synptoms of having a period.

What am I meant to do??? Thank you.

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Jun 21, 2022
Cycle Confusion
by: Joy

​Hi Maggie

You are meant to carry on and ignore any irregular bleeding that may occur while your body adjusts. You haven't stated your age, you could be in Peri-Menopause in which case more cream may be needed. Progesterone therapy is not an overnight fix as stated many times on the website. It can take anything from 2-6 months before positive results are felt, longer if symptoms are severe. Time and patience is needed.

I encourage you to use the search bar ​provided and read The How to use Progesterone Cream which explains exactly when to use the cream. It is most important that you read the Estrogen Dominance page as well. Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is optimal. A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

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