

by Tabitha

Im 34 and have two children, 15 & 10. Finally decided I'm ready for another, so took out the Mirena in Feb of this year. Was on it for 3 years, and before than was various birth control pills. After getting the Mirena out, my periods (which were lighter before, but never gone) have now been averaging 23-24 (some less, but never more than 25 days) apart. I suffered thru a torment of problem after getting the Mirena out-weight gain, irritabitity-anger, mood swings, weepiness, heavy bleeding for several days, breakthru bleeding a week before my period, painful sex-you name it.

Frustrated with the breakdowns, I went to an OB/GYN. He told me I was overweight (20 lbs) & of advanced maternal age (34??), and if sex hurts to change positions. I went to another doctor--who actually listened and ordered some tests.

Ultraound showed a left hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary (2.1cm). On my right was 1.5 cm simple cyst. This was done on day 23, the next day my period started. Everything else was normal. These are the labs he ordered and I had drawn fasting on day 2: My results & (reference range is in parenthesis).

Testosterone: 27 NG/DL (17-76 NG/DL)
Sex Horm BG: 36 NMOL/DL (23-152 NMOL/L)
Calc Free Testosterone: 0.5 NG/DL (0.3-1.5 NG/DL)
DHEA Sulfate: 67 UG/DL (39-232 UG/DL)
Follice Stim Horm: 8.9 MIU/ML
(Female Follicular...3.2-11.5---Mid Cylce Peak...4.3-19.9---Luteal...1.5-7.1---Postmenopausal...23.9-125.0)
Prolactin: 8.3 NG/ML (2.0-27.0 NG/ML)
Free T4: 1.09 NG/DL (0.73-1.95 NG/ML)
Vitamin B-12: 612 PG/ML (250-1100 PG/ML)
Vitamin D, 25 OH: 20 NG/ML **LOW** (Insuff <20, Suboptimal 20-29, Optimal 30-100, Poss Toxicity >100)
Ultrasentitive TSH: 1.130 UIU/ML (0.500-4.700 UIU/ML)
Estradiol: 56 PG/ML (Early Follicular---46-143, Late follicular---143-557, Luteal---74-212, Pregnant---+35000, Postmenopausal---nothing.
Progesterone: <0.2 NG/ML (Follicular---<1.35, Luteal---1.84-30.2, Postmenopausal---up to 0.7)

He put me on 5000 of Vit D3, 0.5mg of 0.1% Estrogen (every day), and 400 mg of Progesterone for days 1-10 (at bedtime). I'm already on Folic Acid & prenatal vitamins. I'm to do this for 3 months & see how it goes. I hate to say though, the estrogen I have had to only take at night, it gets me very agitated. The first couple days of taking the Vitamin D3 & estrogen, I actually felt decent. But that only lasted a few days. I have been eating healthier, less sugar, exercising more, and de-stressing as much as possible, but I still feel off~ and would love to get pregnant (if possible). What other tests should we do? Should I be doing something different or taking more suppliments or vitamins?

Thank you for any advice you may have!

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