

by Cindy Lynn
(Orlando, FL)

I took bio identical progesterone for over two years. 50mg in the evening I'm 47 years Old now. I stopped taking For months because a physician tried to Frighten me. She said progesterne could make a tumor grow faster if I had one. I refused to get a mammogram.
My menstual cycle got extremely heavy including 4-6 inch clots. My skin aged rapidly and creases and wrinkles were noticeable especially around my mouth (I never smoked!) I think the decrease in collagen was a result of my body being shocked with no more progesterone. Urinary incontinence returned and my pelvic floor felt weaker. I woke up at 2 or 3 am. Sleep was no linger restful. I felt generalized anxiety. I know skin ages gradually and the skin changes were alarming to me. I'm having my levels rested without the progesterone since I'm off of it. Then I'm going back and I do not ever want to stop again. Did anyone stop and have these symptoms?

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