
Cant tell what the doc meant

by Tippy

Hi Wray,I hope this is where I post a question but I am a 38 year old female diagnosed with a moderate estrogen dominance.I have taken pregnenolone for my adrenals and gotten a fantastic response esp anxiety wise but was switched to progesterone after finding about the estrogen dominance.The thing is the doc that put me on it didnt take insurance and I had to stop seeing him but I still have his reccomendations.I started the progesterone today but noticed something odd about his instructions. I am taking this:
ProgonB-L 4x™: 10mL Ingredients: Rice Bran Oil, Coconut Oil, USP Progesterone and Vitamin E. Per 10 drops: 40 mg of Progesterone

Here was his reccomendations

Day 16 - 30 Drops 2x/day
Day 17 - 38 Drops 2x/day
Days 18 to 19 - 66 Drops 2x/day
Days 20 to 22 - 76 Drops 2x/day
Days 23 to 24 - 66 Drops 2x/day
Day 25 - 46 Drops 2x/day
Day 26 - 30 Drops 2x/day

However, what I noticed is that he had this written below the instruction sheet:

"It’s progesterone content is 40mg per 40 drops."T

Well thats wrong, I checked the label and its 40 mg for every 10 drops not 40 for every 40. So now I really dont know what he meant for me to take.I know you said high doses are safe but just want to get your take on this because the dosing would be quite a bit different and upwards of 600mg for the highest days as opposed to about 150mg for the highest day. Unfortunately I cant ask him as he wont even answer a question without charging for it,lol. Ill tell ya I wish I could take this progesterone all the time though because I feel so much calmer while on it. Thanks in advance, any help I would so greatly appreciate!

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Jun 10, 2014
Can't tell what the doc meant
by: Joys

Hi Tippy

Wray is currently on sabbatical and will not be replying to any posts or emails until she returns.

I am unfamiliar with ProgonB-L but any form of oral progesterone is not the best delivery method as 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver – see here. Nothing less than 100mg of the correct progesterone concentration is needed. You may have to consult your doctor and pay the fee, or contact the ProgonB themselves for clarity. Should you do decide to change to a cream, please read How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance.

Just a note on pregnenolone, it is the precursor to progesterone, but it is also the precursor to DHEA. It should be avoided as it can cause cysts and cancer - see here and here.

Vitamin D is also vital as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Hope this helps.

Jun 14, 2014
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much that does help!

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