
Can you use too much?

by Connie

I have had hypoglycemia with panic/anxiety for many years. Hashimoto's as well, it seems. With saliva testing I was told I was low in progesterone and estrogen even though I was using progesterone cream and an estrogen patch. High in DHEA and cortisole (low in the evening). After reading some of your info, I have been using more progesterone cream but am feeling worse than ever. I am currently on the Wilson's Temperature Syndrome T3 program as well. I am 54 and my body is trying to do the Menopause thing the last 2 periods every 3 months or so and very different. Also huge mood swings with the hypoglycemia. Any ideas? I feel normal every once in a while for a few hours, eat protein often, no sugar or refined carbs, but mostly feel dizzy, terrified, head numb, shaky, weak, fuzzy-brained.............

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Oct 18, 2007
Panic, anxiety, hypglycaemia
by: Wray

Hi Connie. Panic and anxiety mean you're low in GABA, it's our major calming neurotransmitter. Please get some and take 1000mg/day.

Progesterone activates the GABA receptor sites, so it sounds as if you are too low in progesterone. Using HRT would mean an uphill battle for the progesterone, so it would be advisable to come off that, even though the tests show you're low in it. You'll find with a higer dose of progesterone and no oestrogen to counter it, you'll start to feel better.

When first using progesterone or increasing the dose, 'adverse' symtpoms can occur. It's nothing to worry about, progesterone activates the oestrogen receptor sites, and the symptoms are caused by the oestrogen. They will go after 1-2 weeks.

Progesterone also helps control hypoglycaemia, so that should improve. But I suggest you also try the amino acid L-glutamine. That will stop the hypoglycaemia.

All the successful studies on progesterone use between 100-200mg progesterone/day. This equates to 3-6ml of a 3.3% cream. Please try to use a similar amount. Some studies have gone as high a 600mg/day, it's very safe.

I'm glad you're eating protein and avoiding the carbs, but peri-menopause is a difficult time and sometimes we need more than food can supply. Please consider the aminos I mentioned above. Take care Wray

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