can you overdose on progesterone cream??
by marion
Hi Wray,I have a few questions about progesterone cream, you know my friend Annette who has been taking very high amounts of progesterone cream, she has been taking between 2000-3000 a day,for aprox 1year, but her circumstances have been extremely stressfull,she is going thru seperation, seperated from her kids, financial pressure, etc. She has gone to the hospital & the doctors have checked her hormone levels & all has come back clear, but they are still waiting for the progesterone levels. Our question is, can a woman overdose on the Natpro, since the list of progesterone overdose,is almost the exact same as estrogen dominance.Please give us some insight into this. Can you also let us know if my mother & I are ok, we are taking between 4-500mg/day, for aprox 1year, we are quite concerned, please help??