
Can too much progesterone cause your body to stop making the hormone on its own?

by Sarah

Hi Wray!

I've been doing a good deal of research online, and noticed that there are several sources out there stating that if you use too much progesterone (or 'accumulate' too much of it in your fat cells), you can supress natural hormone production.

Here's a quote from one source:

"Progesterone cream utilizes fatty and cellular tissue as 'reservoirs' for storing progesterone, providing a more sustained level of progesterone exposure. This 'storage' was validated by Chang et al in their 1995 study utilising transdermal progesterone on women with breast cancer. But an accumulation of progesterone in the body can lead to suppression of natural hormone production and can promote abnormal actions in the body."

I'm hoping this isn't true, and everything I've read on your site states otherwise, but I just want to be certain. I really don't want to be on this cream for the rest of my life...I'm only 37. And I certainly don't want to alter my body permanently where it can't function properly on it's own.

Help! I'm scared!

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Sep 11, 2012
Can too much progesterone cause your body to stop making the hormone on its own?
by: Wray

Hi Sarah There are so many Progesterone Misconceptions that I did this page on some of them. My take on it of course, but I have given papers. This is the Chang et al paper here. Progesterone doesn't have to used for life, although I certainly won't stop using it. It's excellent for ageing, see here, here, here, here and here. Take care Wray

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