can anyone interpret this test please and dr's recommendations
by amanda
Hi Wray!
My friend told me about this site. I'm seeing a hormone doctor who is treating me for adrenal fatigue.
My zrt lab saliva profile is this-
I'm 40
Day 21 of cycle
estradiol 2 (1.3-3.3)
progeasterone 220
ratio 110
testosterone 29
dheas 5.7
cortisol morning 5.7
cortisol noon 2
cortisol evening 1
cortisol night 0.4
please note-I have not been using any hormones for 3 months at this time as I was having a miserable time on estradiol and wanted to just quit everything. I levelled out after a month , then crashed into what felt like adrenal exhaustion.
I think you know the ranges, I hope. Anyhow, Doc says to use dhea 1mg a.m and noon. pregnenolone 5mg three times daily , 10 mg progesterone days 13-26, b12 shots, and and and estriol/testosterone vaginal cream at .25/.025 mg strength.
I'm not seeing this protocol at all. I feel best days 1-7 of my cycle when everything is low. I feel worse at days 8-uh, the rest of the month. I talked to someone else who said that my morning cortisol is too low and i need hc in a.m to get that spike. also my tsh is in range but on low end and so is t3 in range but a bit low. and, rt3 is pooling a bit but also in range. she said it was from low cortisol not opening thyroid cell receptors. this doc refuses to give me hc or authorize isocort. anyhow, i'd love your thoughts on this.
I have not ordered the scripts yet as i'm not convinced on the protocol.
This is what i've done. On day 8 this month, i used the estradiol dosage he prescribed until i get estriol- 0.1mg (no progesterone). did 0.1mg again on day 9 and i had massive panic through the next day (day 10). So I started progesterone without the estrogen- it's been 3 months without it, i don't want to start again, to be honest with you. I started at 25mg prog-2x day. I'm now up to 40mg 2x day and about to run off to buy more. I'm feeling all that estrogen dominance crub but what really gets me is i'm on day 16 of my cycle and i feel hot and tingly at the back of my neck and face. Very anxietyishy way too much and i have a headache. i quit the dhea and preg as it does not calm me anylonger. and mostly because i want to see if i use the progesterone for these two weeks i'll know what is doing ahat-too much hormones just makes it too hard to tell the effects.
I feel mentally better following the prog. protocol here and using neuros for my brain. and possibly an adrenal glandular or isocort but i get a cortisol rise after i use progesterone somehow.
okay, i've rambled a bit. thank you. please reply if you can.