
Breastfeeding and menstruating

by Alli

Hi I’m 5 months postpartum and have been applying 300mg of progesterone cream daily. My period started today so I’m not sure if I should continue applying the cream or discontinue until ovulation? I’m still breastfeeding.

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Jul 14, 2024
Breastfeeding and Menstruating
by: Joy

Hi Alli

Isn't it strange how we are all different? Usually one does not get a period while breastfeeding. Any reason why you are using 300mg per day? Usually between 100-200mg progesterone is needed using a good quality cream such as Natpro.

Menstruation is not likely to return until after breastfeeding has finished, so if the mother is feeling well and plans to continue breastfeeding for many months, progesterone can be stopped after 2 months but, if the symptoms come back, the use of progesterone should be restarted. When progesterone was first isolated in 1934, researchers thought that its job in the body was to prepare the breasts for breastfeeding. Progesterone helps breastfeeding and mothers need not worry that it will upset their babies. 100-200mg is the recommended amount of progesterone to use.

I suggest that you continue to use the cream every day until your regular cycle returns i.e. your luteal phase. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream and the Pregnancy pages.

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