
Breast cysts for 10 years

by Rebecca

I have had breast cysts for 10 years and most of the time I have up to 10 in each breast.

I go to the breast clinic yearly and 2 weeks ago I had 6 cysts drained. So far they have not refilled! I have a very painful abscess in my nipple that was drained but I have some pain and swelling still. I'm off to the clinic later so they can look at it. I've been given antibiotics but they have not helped.

I am nearly 50 and have been a vegetarian for 25 years. I do eat a large variety of foods (mainly vegan) and drink wine. I don't smoke.

I'm going to try natural progesterone cream in case I am producing too much estrogen but I have also read about high histamine levels causing cysts and 2 years ago I got really bad hives. Now I get them every few weeks and I am allergic to dust mites.

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Mar 19, 2010
Breast cysts for 10 years
by: Wray

Hi Rebecca. Breast cysts are caused by excess oestrogen, low progesterone. Please see these pages and papers:
Estrogen dominance
Paper 1
Breast cysts
Paper 2
You might like to read about peri-menopause, as breast cysts often occur during this period, with declining progesterone, high oestrogen.

Your immune system needs help, I suggest you have a vitamin D test done, it sounds like it could be too low. It's advisable to take 5000iu's per day, plus you could consider 2000mg/day N-acetyl cysteine and 2000mg taurine. These amino acids are powerful antioxidants and vital for the immune system, there is no taurine in vegetables. Although we can convert it from cysteine, the conversion rate is low. Take care, Wray

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