by Joan
i have had heavy periods for about 10yr, first episode came after a horrible bout of stress. Went to my doctor and was prescribed birth control pill on a number of occasions over the years trying to deal with a heavy and irregular periods ever since. I hate the way birth control make me feel, really mess with my mood and also raise my blood pressure. in the last 6 months every time that I exercise I begin bleeding, lighter at first, but at some point it became a never ending period and i stopped going to the gym and cut way back on exercise because of intense bleeding. I finally tried NP creams few weeks ago and found that the bleeding slowed to almost nothing and eventually finally stopped. IT also improve my life in unexpected ways including and end to joint pain and body aches and a decrease in depression and anxiety that was very notable and unexpected. After a couple of Days not bleeding and feeling better than in years i went back to the gym and did a pretty gentle swim workout. about a half an hour later I had the worst cramps I've ever had in my life and flooding bleeding that continued for almost six hours even though I left the gym and started applying cream asap. I needed ibuprofen to slow it, though it gives me bad edema. I have been using about 3000mg worth of NP per day to get the bleeding to stop the first time, which is a lot of slathering I haven't been able to keep up with. I kept applying as much as possible till the bleeding stopped. Should i use this much ? The bleeding is not stopping with 1500mg a day, also a slight return of the other maladies i mentioned. Should i use for three months, or three months after bleeding is under control? I am tired of docs and gynos saying bcp and weight loss are the only things to do, they are always so rude and dismissive. But based on this info should i try again with the doc? I'm 33 and have no kids, i am very overweight despite good diet and regular exercise 8hrs a week before this. Thanks for reading