
Balance between relieving symptoms and long term health

by Carol
(South Africa)

Most books and articles I have read about hormones and menopause, try to address relieving the symptoms caused by hormone imbalances.

However, there seems to be more evidence that we should be supplementing hormones until the day we die, in order to prevent many illnesses.

So, my question is, when do we stop using Progesterone Cream? Do you intend using it forever and is there ever a reason to stop using it? Thank you.

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Jun 08, 2011
Long Term
by: Eve

I personally plan to use it for as long as my body tells me to. If that takes me to the day that I die, I feel comfortable with doing that. My guess is that as we age, the amount needed to feel optimal might change and I will adjust accordingly. I think the more people we have walking around that are in "balance", the better an enviroment we will live in...just my personal opinion :-)

Jun 16, 2011
Balance between relieving symptoms and long term health
by: Wray

Hi Carol As Eve says, I will use it to the day I die. It's very protective, and to my mind essential now that there are over 100 oestrogen mimics in the environment. Please see the excellent website Our Stolen Future. They are now found in our water, air, food, skin care and more. And as Eve says too, the amount needs to be adjusted to suit how we feel. For instance stress drops progesterone levels, so do dark winter days, even cloudy days, large meals too. Plus of course the many oestrogenic foods we eat, notably the grains and legumes. It's also excellent for the skin, see here. For sleep, see here. For calming, see our page on Anxiety. I could go on! If you should consider using it, please see our page on Peri-menopause and Menopause. But before considering it's use, please read our page on Oestrogen Dominance first, as this can occur and is disconcerting if it does. We do have a distributor in SA who could give you advice, if you'd like to contact her, please do so via her website here.
Take care Wray

Jun 16, 2011
Long Term
by: Wray

Hi Eve Bless you once again for your advice, always so good. Take care Wray

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