by Michele
(Oklahoma City, OK)
I had a bad experience on Bio identical hormones. I was on progesterone, testosterone and DHEA. It resulted in acne on my face and body, mood rages and severe hairloss. Even though my saliva tests showed I was balanced. I clearly wasn't.
Losing confidence in my doctors knowledge, I stopped using them. I am still battling the hairloss. The acne is better but I still tend to Breakout around my chin and my face is very oily. I went to a naturopath doctor and she did another saliva Test. My one from my old Dr. was from a year and a half ago. The naturopath prescribed progesterone. She said with my levels so low and my estrogen dominance it puts me at risk for breast cancer. But she wants to start me gently on a low dose of progesterone due to my bad reaction in the past. I am 40 yrs old and very petite. I only weigh 96 lbs. at 5 ft 1. I have been reading your info on here. Would you still recommend a high dose for me?
I am concerned about my hair. I can't afford to lose more. I use to have such thick beautiful hair before the hormone therapy. It seems I was better off before I tried to balance my hormone. Thanks for your help.
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