by Caterina
Hello Wray
I was wondering if you can advise me on my progesterone use. You have been so helpful in a past inquiry. I miscarried 5-27-12. I got my 1st cycle on 7-1-12, (33 days). I started the progesterone as you had advised I could around the time I would ovulate in my normal cycle. I didn't want to wait many weeks feeling miserable til my first cycle while the estrogen dominance takes over as it did with my last miscarriage. I just started to bleed and cramp lightly last night but I'm only on cycle day 18? I chart and my temp spiked on Monday the 16th. Around the time I was due to ovulate in my normal 26 day cycles. My Hubby and I had sex on the 14th. So I was wondering if this could be implantation bleeding? We used protection though? So I don't want to just stop the progesterone use abruptly assuming this is an early period because my body may be off.
To give you something else to consider, I started my progesterone cream of 50mg. 2x's daily on the 10th (cycle day 10) because I was under a lot of stress and feeling sick. I've done this before without it messing with my cycle. I've had a hard time waiting til I ovulate to start my cream. From days 6-10 seem to be the worst. Usually within 2 days of starting my regimen I feel better, more like myself. So should I count this as my 2nd cycle day 1 or just keep using the progesterone? I've seen your comment to someone else to just keep taking it for 2 months strait to concur the estrogen dominance. I'm afraid to stop thinking I may be pregnant!
You thoughts please, thanks.
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