Abnormal bleeding, no temperature rise, infertility
by Michelle
(South Carolina)
Since I started my cycle at age 15, I have never been regular. I would typically get my period between 40 and 60 days, but up until I got married, I was getting a period. I married at age 29 and we have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years (I am currently 34).
I have never used any form of birth control.
After I was married, I started spotting 50% of the time. Sometimes the blood is pink, sometimes red, and sometimes it is thick and black and sticky and I feel a burning sensation.
I have never officially been diagnosed with PCOS, but I suspect that I do have it, though the doctors have never seen any abnormalities in blood work or cysts during exams...
I have tried supplements, like wild yam and chaste tree, but that has not helped my cycle.
I have been on a gluten free/dairy free diet for a year, but that also has not helped.
When I am just spotting, my temperature never rises, so I don't think that I am ovulating.
I was on 8 cycles of clomid, and when taking clomid, my periods did return, my temperatures rose, and the doctors did sonograms to see that I was ovulating, though I never did get pregnant. My cycle lengths were 40 - 55 days even with clomid. Once I stopped taking clomid, I had about 3 more cycles in which my temperature rose, followed by my period 12 -14 days later.
While on clomid, the doctor did do blood work after ovulation and said that my progesterone levels were good.
But now it seems like the affects of the clomid wore off and I am back to frequent spotting and I have not had a temperature rise or a period over these last 80 days.
I have considered taking progesterone, but I don't know when to take it since I don't know when to count the first day of my cycle and I am not ovulating that I know of, so I can't go by that either.
Do you have any suggestions?