by kate
I'm 24 and know I've had hormonal imbalance for a few years. Obvious symptoms were breakouts, and depression/anxiety. Was on/off birth control over the years to help things out- yaz helped alleviate those symptoms remarkably- but of course this isn't a solid solution. I recently had blood work done and my progesterone was at .67 ng/ml, which the naturopath said to be low. My vitamin d was also low, as well as some of my b vitamins, but other than that I was ok. So I started taking progesterone cream that they gave me about two weeks ago, thrilled that I finally had some answers and hopefully things would improve for real this time. Well about 5 days in, I felt amazing. My mood and libido were up and my skin was not only clearing, but was glowing in a way that has to come from within. I was beyond thrilled and grateful. About 10 days in, my symptoms began returning and worsened, which was a huge disappointment to say the least.
It's now been almost two weeks and I've just been reading that this reaction to progesterone cream is normal! That things may improve at first, and then the estrogen receptors would be awoken, causing a temporary dominance of estrogen before things balanced out again. Has anyone else experienced this? I've been trying to research it more but am finding limited results. Things are starting to improve again so I'm hoping for relief soon. I started off using Dr. Lee's progesterall but am now using Emerita Progest since there is more information on the product and its reviews available online. Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks in advance and good health to everyone~~
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