2 months on high dose, still bleeding and other symptoms, please help!
by K
My history is consistent with long term oestrogen dominance. I have been diagnosed with Graves Disease, Hashimoto's, and adrenal fatigue. I currently meet the criteria for fibromyalgia. I have a long history of infertility, abnormal bleeding, inability to lose weight, heavy periods, and debilitating fatigue that coincides with my cycles, always improving as my period nears.
One of the only times I was free of these symptoms in the last 10 years was briefly after giving birth, when my specialist OB prescribed progesterone injections to prevent postpartum depression.
Back to the present:
I reached the end of my rope in December when I needed a 2-4 hour daily nap (and still felt horrible). So beginning in January:
I took 200 mg of progesterone cream for the month of January. In February I briefly raised to 400 mg before going up again to 600 mg. During the month of February I bled for 25 of the 29 days, even though I started the continuous higher progesterone dose for all of January. My breasts remain swollen and tender. And I have copious amounts of "fertile" mucus even while bleeding. My fatigue has improved a little in the last few weeks, though it remains a problem. My weight does not budge, even with an exceptionally cautious diet.
I am trying to remain hopeful that I may be getting to the root of my problems - since so many of them continue to point to oestrogen dominance. But at two months on the higher dose, and still bleeding and no easing to many of the symptoms - I need some input!
I know a doctor would not support what I'm doing with the progesterone and while I have faith in this plan, I find so little information elsewhere that suggests this approach - I am just uneasy and needing support.
Your thoughts, advice and tips will be so greatly appreciated...