
18 month old Spastic Dystonic Quadrapaligia Cerebral palsy

I appreciate your site and all the extremely helpful information.

I'm starting my 18 month old daughter who has Spastic Dystonic Quadrapaligia Cerebral palsy on your progesterone cream.

There doesn't seem to be much help for her Dystonic Spastic muscle tone medically, but it seems progesterone might help. She also has lesions on her thalamus and vision impairment.

How would you recommend I dose her and how often? Also should it be administered topically or vaginally? And when should I increase the dose, based on weight?

Thank you!!!!

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Mar 21, 2017
18 month old Spastic Dystonic Quadrapaligia Cerebral palsy
by: Joy

It is always so sad when the young are affected. If you use the search bar and type in your question you may find more information. Perhaps this post will help you a little.

Good luck with your little angel.

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